This is page 6 of 6 pages of Children's Bible Stories. To navigate to other pages, click on the numbers below.
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We hope you enjoy discovering how God led people in earlier days, and continues to seek hearts of all ages to walk in righteous, caring ways and show love to all people and creatures of all ages.
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We hope you enjoy discovering how God led people in earlier days, and continues to seek hearts of all ages to walk in righteous, caring ways and show love to all people and creatures of all ages.
The Bible Story Coloring Book cover Bible_stories_cover.pdf and the pages Bible_stories_all_ages.pdf can be downloaded, folded in half, and assembled. Now you can read, color and discuss it with your parents as you follow the video links below.
The upside down part is for teens and adults.
The upside down part is for teens and adults.
This page is will remain under construction. Come back and see if there are new stories here for you to enjoy. It will contain story tellers some of you may know sharing other stories about walking and growing in faith.
God is able to use young people's prayers to make differences. Don't think you are too young to make a difference. Jesus said - “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt. 19:14)
Faithville invites you to a story time.
Life Church invites you to a story time
There's space here for Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, public school teachers that would like to encourage kids they know to learn about the stories in the Bible. Watch for more faces to come. If you'd like to know more fill in the form below.