SECOND Session - Hope Club - Superheroes In Training Day 2Lessons Instructions for DAY 2
Theme – God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
Bible Verse: You were born for such a time as this - Esther 4:14
Day 2 – Lesson - God’s Superheroes – David, Jonah, Esther
Theme: God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
David & Goliath – 10 -
Jonah – 10 -
Esther – Start at 9:10
God has people who walked closely with Him, loved Him – His ways of love, righteousness, prayer. Many of these nurtured these ways as young children. God blessed them and helped them stand as heroes when the time was right and they were needed.
David & Goliath – 10 -
In your discussion after this – ask easy questions for them to answer about the video – ie What work had David been doing before he met up with Goliath? What animals had he killed protecting his flock? Was David an experienced soldier? What did Goliath do that angered David and the Israelites? What made David sure he could win? What about this made it the right time for David to become a Superhero for God?
Jonah – 10 -
What was Jonah known for doing? What was the Ninevah known for? What was God planning to do to Ninevah? What happened while the ship was at sea? What happened when Jonah was in the water? What happened when Ninevah heard Jonah’s message? Do you know stories in Vermont like what was happening in Ninevah? Might God be looking for people like Jonah today, to warn others about what God could do if there is too much lying, stealing, and killing? Jonah wasn’t sure he could win – why did he do that made God help him win anyway? What about this made it the right time for Jonah to become a Superhero for God?
Esther – Start at 9:10 /
What did Mordecai not do that angered Haman? What did Haman do that would kill Esther and her people? What did the Esther bravely do? What did the king do that saved Esther’s life? What made Esther think she could win? What did she and her people do to help her be brave enough to come before the king? What about this made it the right time for Esther to become a Superhero for God?
Perhaps discuss – Could such a time as this, apply to people in the world today? What traits does God use as a foundation for superheroes?
Theme – God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
Bible Verse: You were born for such a time as this - Esther 4:14
Day 2 – Lesson - God’s Superheroes – David, Jonah, Esther
Theme: God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
David & Goliath – 10 -
Jonah – 10 -
Esther – Start at 9:10
God has people who walked closely with Him, loved Him – His ways of love, righteousness, prayer. Many of these nurtured these ways as young children. God blessed them and helped them stand as heroes when the time was right and they were needed.
David & Goliath – 10 -
In your discussion after this – ask easy questions for them to answer about the video – ie What work had David been doing before he met up with Goliath? What animals had he killed protecting his flock? Was David an experienced soldier? What did Goliath do that angered David and the Israelites? What made David sure he could win? What about this made it the right time for David to become a Superhero for God?
Jonah – 10 -
What was Jonah known for doing? What was the Ninevah known for? What was God planning to do to Ninevah? What happened while the ship was at sea? What happened when Jonah was in the water? What happened when Ninevah heard Jonah’s message? Do you know stories in Vermont like what was happening in Ninevah? Might God be looking for people like Jonah today, to warn others about what God could do if there is too much lying, stealing, and killing? Jonah wasn’t sure he could win – why did he do that made God help him win anyway? What about this made it the right time for Jonah to become a Superhero for God?
Esther – Start at 9:10 /
What did Mordecai not do that angered Haman? What did Haman do that would kill Esther and her people? What did the Esther bravely do? What did the king do that saved Esther’s life? What made Esther think she could win? What did she and her people do to help her be brave enough to come before the king? What about this made it the right time for Esther to become a Superhero for God?
Perhaps discuss – Could such a time as this, apply to people in the world today? What traits does God use as a foundation for superheroes?
Start the last one at 9:10 for Esther's story.
Music Instructions for DAY 2
Theme – God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
Bible Verse: You were born for such a time as this - Esther 4:14
Start with a couple from yesterday. The B-I-B-L-E. It is a special book telling story after story of God’s superheroes that went to great ends to be a friend of God, someone God could count on to walk according to His ways, praying and seeking and listening to Him for guidance. Have them make their fingers shape the letters as they sing, so there are some hand motions, too. The BIBLE – 1 min-
Today’s lesson started with the story of a boy named David who tended his father’s sheep. His people were daily being threatened by a nine foot giant named Goliath, who cursed God and intimidated everyone. The deal was the Palestine and Israel would go to war, OR one person could take on the giant Goliath and the outcome of 2 people fighting would determine the battlefield victory. David stepped up to battle the giant, Goliath. The song tells what David did to win the battle.
Only a Boy Named David – 2:15 min -
Motions -
Sling – swing hand in a circular motion
Pray and Sing – hands together in prayer that open upward
Ripling brook – hand flows outward with fingers rippling
Five stones – hold up five fingers
Sling went round and round – swing hand lasso like over head
Giant came tumbling down – arm falls down
The Jonah song is easy to sing along to. Play it once and encourage them to sing along. Play it a second time, with 2 groups that do quick motions. Have first group, 2nd group, 1st group, 2nd group (stand up, raise hands, wave hands, make swimming motions) and sing their part as leader quickly points to the group. All can sing together the last lines.
Jonah Song - 1.5 min -
The next song is more challenging to learn, but the girls need to know of a female Biblical hero. Esther saved the whole nation with her courage. Today we will just listen and watch the Esther song.
Such a Time Is This – 2.21 min. (Listen and watch only.)
Review songs from yesterday
Jesus Loves Me - 2:15 min Motions – follow the youtube leaders for actions.
Lego Song – Lord’s Army 3 min - - Introduce motions - have them march (infantry) squat up and down holding reins, (calvary) brush and clap hands together (artillery), arms out like airplane wings (fly), and then salute (Yes, sir) keep marching... repeat - Try it to the video.
Anyone in an army needs protective gear. This next song we will introduce the protective gear of the Lord’s Army. We introduced this yesterday. In your crafts yesterday you made part of the armor used by the Lord’s Army. What was it – (Belt of Truth) Why is truth an important? Do you think God may want truth to protect your private parts? What other ways can truth protect you? Today will make a helmet of salvation. How can knowing in your head, Jesus loves me, protect you? Is there room in your head to think along with these thoughts – I’m no good, I always mess up? nobody loves me? why bother, who cares? If you are holding on to the thought – Jesus loves me… these thoughts need to leave. Thinking about how Jesus loves me – is protection for your mind.
Armor of God
A repeat from yesterday’s lessons – Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again Review the motions to the chorus.
Dem Bones – roll their arms in a circular motion around each other.
Gonna Rise Again – arms go up and hands open upward.
I knowed it, I knowed it – arms sway back and forth like windshield wipers
Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again - 3 min-
Theme – God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
Bible Verse: You were born for such a time as this - Esther 4:14
Start with a couple from yesterday. The B-I-B-L-E. It is a special book telling story after story of God’s superheroes that went to great ends to be a friend of God, someone God could count on to walk according to His ways, praying and seeking and listening to Him for guidance. Have them make their fingers shape the letters as they sing, so there are some hand motions, too. The BIBLE – 1 min-
Today’s lesson started with the story of a boy named David who tended his father’s sheep. His people were daily being threatened by a nine foot giant named Goliath, who cursed God and intimidated everyone. The deal was the Palestine and Israel would go to war, OR one person could take on the giant Goliath and the outcome of 2 people fighting would determine the battlefield victory. David stepped up to battle the giant, Goliath. The song tells what David did to win the battle.
Only a Boy Named David – 2:15 min -
Motions -
Sling – swing hand in a circular motion
Pray and Sing – hands together in prayer that open upward
Ripling brook – hand flows outward with fingers rippling
Five stones – hold up five fingers
Sling went round and round – swing hand lasso like over head
Giant came tumbling down – arm falls down
The Jonah song is easy to sing along to. Play it once and encourage them to sing along. Play it a second time, with 2 groups that do quick motions. Have first group, 2nd group, 1st group, 2nd group (stand up, raise hands, wave hands, make swimming motions) and sing their part as leader quickly points to the group. All can sing together the last lines.
Jonah Song - 1.5 min -
The next song is more challenging to learn, but the girls need to know of a female Biblical hero. Esther saved the whole nation with her courage. Today we will just listen and watch the Esther song.
Such a Time Is This – 2.21 min. (Listen and watch only.)
Review songs from yesterday
Jesus Loves Me - 2:15 min Motions – follow the youtube leaders for actions.
Lego Song – Lord’s Army 3 min - - Introduce motions - have them march (infantry) squat up and down holding reins, (calvary) brush and clap hands together (artillery), arms out like airplane wings (fly), and then salute (Yes, sir) keep marching... repeat - Try it to the video.
Anyone in an army needs protective gear. This next song we will introduce the protective gear of the Lord’s Army. We introduced this yesterday. In your crafts yesterday you made part of the armor used by the Lord’s Army. What was it – (Belt of Truth) Why is truth an important? Do you think God may want truth to protect your private parts? What other ways can truth protect you? Today will make a helmet of salvation. How can knowing in your head, Jesus loves me, protect you? Is there room in your head to think along with these thoughts – I’m no good, I always mess up? nobody loves me? why bother, who cares? If you are holding on to the thought – Jesus loves me… these thoughts need to leave. Thinking about how Jesus loves me – is protection for your mind.
Armor of God
A repeat from yesterday’s lessons – Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again Review the motions to the chorus.
Dem Bones – roll their arms in a circular motion around each other.
Gonna Rise Again – arms go up and hands open upward.
I knowed it, I knowed it – arms sway back and forth like windshield wipers
Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again - 3 min-
For Jesus Loves Me - click on Watch on Youtube above.

CRAFT Instructions for DAY 2
Theme – God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
Bible Verse: You were born for such a time as this - Esther 4:14
Today’s snack – an apple, orange, plum – something round and head shaped - tucked under a cupcake paper, with some crackers and something to drink.
Today’s Bible Memory Verse is short and simple. Do this while supplies are being distributed.
We will make a chant of it. Repeat after me - You were born for such a time as this Esther 4:14
Now fill in when I pause with the next word You were _______, for such a ______ , as ________ Esther ______
Repeat it again as above. Then ..,You ______ born, ____ such a time, ____ this. ______4:14
Now do it with a drum beat with your hands. Now do it with a foot tap. Now do it with a foot stomp.
Craft – Helmet of Salvation
Supplies: (Styrofoam bowl, cardstock 12/6”, 12x6”red construction paper, cardboard headband 5x55cm and precut sideburn pieces from cardstock, aluminum foil 3’x18”, and 2-18” x 4”)/child, scotch tape, stapler, scissors, and,
Have a sample made in advance. Have another that you will make for a leader/helper as you demonstrate the step by step what the children need to do. Extra hands to help with stapling is a good idea. Have 3-4+ staplers. Put names on them – put them in a large bag/box to keep for a parent program (opt.)/last day. Take a picture to send each child at home.
- Cover a Styrofoam/cardboard bowl inside and out with aluminum foil like this clip, but leave the bowl inside the layer of foil instead of using duct tape.
- Then follow these directions - to make the feathery top.
- If you want to do more with the crown and side pieces - feel free, but it is easily more trouble than it is worth, especially with a larger group of children.
- Use scissors to cut the red construction paper feathering. (Note under 7 years of age will likely need help doing this – they might do some, but it might be wise to have it done ahead of time.) Fold the feathering so it stands up from the middle strip.
- Staple the red feathering to a cardstock strip and staple it front and back to the band around the helmet - an adult task for younger kids.
- Repeat the Memory verse a couple of times.
Put names on tape in the top of the helmet, collect them in a bag/box to for a final program/last day with full gear. Take a picture of each child to send home. Pass out pictures to color of David, Esther, and Jonah
This activity takes a bit more preparation time. You will need clean 10 - 2 litter bottles, with pictures taped to the front side. Download the Bowling Enemies file at the bottom of this section. Fill the bottles about a third full with water and put on the cap. You will want a couple of bouncy balls 5-8" in diameter - no hard bowling balls, softballs, or croquet balls. (You could try 1 litter bottles and smaller balls. Note: Your recycling center may charge you 10-20 cents per bottle.) You will also want some sturdy cardboard for each child to hold - 2'x 1' or 3'x 1 or larger... cardboard measurements need not be exact.

Recreation Instructions for DAY 2
Theme – God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
Bible Verse: You were born for such a time as this - Esther 4:14
RECREATION ACTIVITIES – if weather permits, its nice to have the children get outside.
Bowling – Villains are knocked down by the faith of David, Esther and Goliath – and YOU.
Stretch out a couple of ropes, lines of string/ribbon, or chalk lines or use a sidewalk for your bowling alley. Place the pins at one end of the alley in a triangular formation as shown in the picture.
Give each child a 1'x2' or 1' x4' and put some one each side of the line and hold their cardboard as gutter walls. There will be gaps in the walls and boards can be moved a foot or so left or right to move the wall as needed. More needed closer to the pins.
Have the bowler get two/three attempts to roll the bowl down the alley – lined with other players as the gutter guards to where the pins are set up in a triangle shape with 10 bottles. Form 2 teams. See which team knocks over the most pins.
Before rolling the ball, players prayerfully say, Father, help us with prayer to take down the enemy. After the person’s turn trying to knock down the bottles, reset the pins for the next player. For children under 8 just give them 3-5 turns each knocking down as many pins as they can. This game is not so much a competitive game, but a enactment of how prayers like David's, Esther's and Jonah's defeated powerful enemies.
Bible Story frozen tag – Run about, if tagged kids take different prearranged Bible story poses – have the kids brainstorm poses for these settings –Adam & Eve apple picking, David’s slingshot, Esther receiving the sceptor, Jesus on the cross, helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit, Jonah’s whale. If tagged they must take a pose and hold it. To become unfrozen, others must touch them and identify the pose and put hands together in a prayer pose. God wants to unfreeze us with prayerful habits.
Fill in game Four-Square - or kickball or dodgeball.
Theme – God seeks people (young and old) to walk close with Him to be His superheroes.
Bible Verse: You were born for such a time as this - Esther 4:14
RECREATION ACTIVITIES – if weather permits, its nice to have the children get outside.
Bowling – Villains are knocked down by the faith of David, Esther and Goliath – and YOU.
Stretch out a couple of ropes, lines of string/ribbon, or chalk lines or use a sidewalk for your bowling alley. Place the pins at one end of the alley in a triangular formation as shown in the picture.
Give each child a 1'x2' or 1' x4' and put some one each side of the line and hold their cardboard as gutter walls. There will be gaps in the walls and boards can be moved a foot or so left or right to move the wall as needed. More needed closer to the pins.
Have the bowler get two/three attempts to roll the bowl down the alley – lined with other players as the gutter guards to where the pins are set up in a triangle shape with 10 bottles. Form 2 teams. See which team knocks over the most pins.
Before rolling the ball, players prayerfully say, Father, help us with prayer to take down the enemy. After the person’s turn trying to knock down the bottles, reset the pins for the next player. For children under 8 just give them 3-5 turns each knocking down as many pins as they can. This game is not so much a competitive game, but a enactment of how prayers like David's, Esther's and Jonah's defeated powerful enemies.
Bible Story frozen tag – Run about, if tagged kids take different prearranged Bible story poses – have the kids brainstorm poses for these settings –Adam & Eve apple picking, David’s slingshot, Esther receiving the sceptor, Jesus on the cross, helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit, Jonah’s whale. If tagged they must take a pose and hold it. To become unfrozen, others must touch them and identify the pose and put hands together in a prayer pose. God wants to unfreeze us with prayerful habits.
Fill in game Four-Square - or kickball or dodgeball.

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