FIRST Session - Hope Club - Superheroes In Training Day 1
Have a check in table with 2 people manning it.
Registration/permission slips must be left and details on any allergies and pick up routines discussed and clear as to who may or may not pick up children. Put the forms in alphabetical order to make them easy to find if needed.
Name tags must be put on. Use pins or tape. String around a neck is a potential hazard for active children.
Warm up activities -
Play Four Corners -
or choice of books/quiet games (Can also be for those who are out in Four Corners)
Once ready for Opening Do gather around in your meeting space – chairs/ table/ blanket
Complete a roll call and play a name game – such as my name is Name and I like _______and His/Her name is ***** and he/she likes------- The __________ is something that starts with the same letter as the first name and repeat the names of all those who have already gone starting with the person next to you and then progressing back to the first person. The leader should be the last person – thus remembering everyone’s names and likes.
The Director will lead the Opening
Welcome to all – and identify the camp First Aider/Nurse and all the leaders.
Our Theme this week is Superheroes in Training (for the Lord’s Army.)
Each day will have a theme – a verse from the Bible we will try to memorize.
Today’s verse is – Rom. 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Today has 2 themes - I’m a Superhero in Training & Sin needs a Savior
Some of you may never have heard the word sin before. I want you to spell it after me – S-I-N. Who can tell me the middle letter? --- I --- and that’s the root of it. I want this, I want that, I don’t care if you… Have any of you ever thought or said that? Sure, we all do. But, sometimes our I wants become I want it bad enough I’ll steal for it – who stole the cookie from the cookie jar… sometimes people will want it bad enough they will lie for it, or worse kill for it… big I’s or little I’s their root when we don’t care about loving and caring for others which are God’s ways – that’s when I gets in the way and is called SIN – or disobeying God.
The Bible verse says the wages of SIN is death – someone has to pay, someone has to die.
But the Bible has GOOD NEWS, too – someone has already done this. That person is Jesus. You’ll be learning more about Jesus in the Lesson time today and throughout the week.
Today there will be 4 blocks of time. There is a block on Lessons, Crafts, Music, and Games. You will need to stay with the group at all times. We will have a snack break and then we will meet back here for a closing time before you go home
Bathrooms are located – tell them where. Your groups will make time between sessions for a bathroom break. If you should need them at another time, ask your leader to arrange for you to get there and back safely.
Lessons Instructions for DAY 1
Theme – I’m a superhero in training & Sin needs a Savior
Bible Memory Verse - Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Create a welcoming and comfortable setting for the children in your group. Go around the group and ask them easy questions to learn what they already know about the creation and nativity stories. Tell them most of our lessons will be shared on youtube and there will be an opportunity for them to watch the stories again or share them with others at the website, but we will chat about them, sometimes you can choose which ones we will watch together and which ones you might watch later. Today’s stories are all on page 1 or page 4 of (VHC)
Adam – start at 14:22 – 24;
In your discussion after this – ask easy questions for them to answer about the video – ie what was the man’s name? The woman’s name? What did they do that displeased God? Have you ever done anything you know displeases God – What does the Bible call displeasing God?
Today we have a Bible memory verse that comes from the New Testament in the book of Romans. Tell them briefly about the Old and New Testament. The Bible is a very unique book. It was written over a 2000 year time span with many different writers. Some were kings, some prophets, some rich, some poor, some fishermen, some doctors, and a lawyer – yet amazingly it has a common theme. It is all about God having relationships with people He created and made each special. That includes wanting to hear and speak to you. He didn’t want to make people robots to do as He commanded, but gave them free choice. We all can choose whether we want to please God or not. Like Adam and Eve, all of us at some point choose to do something that displeases God – we sin. Today’s memory verse – Rom. 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. There is one person that was born who never knew sin.
How many of you have heard of Jesus before? What can you tell me about His birthday – Christmas? Start with what they know – draw out with questions things about the angels, shepherds, Bethlehem, Mary & Joseph, … If there are some who have never heard the story, you may want to show the Nativity story, but it is long. Ask them what they know about things that Jesus did for the poor and the sick? And miracles Jesus did? From their answers and looking at the time – decide which of the other stories to share. Talking with them is time well spent, too. If you have children’s Bible story books and are a good storyteller, reading about these stories is a good option, too. The videos are an easy option, too.
Nativity – talk about the Christmas story – if all know it, skip it. If not you may want to show it – 18 min.
Discuss briefly these stories and have the children and time help you decide which to watch or discuss.
Jesus Feeds the Poor – 10 min -
Young Jesus Teaches – 2.5 min
Jesus Walks on Water – 2 min -
Zaccheus – 2 min-
Discuss with the group – Jesus was a unique person who came to earth knowing that He would die a horrible death, but it would open the doors of eternal salvation for others. Sin needs a Savior, and Jesus is our Savior. Now we can be God’s children and superheroes if we follow love, pray and obey.
Have a check in table with 2 people manning it.
Registration/permission slips must be left and details on any allergies and pick up routines discussed and clear as to who may or may not pick up children. Put the forms in alphabetical order to make them easy to find if needed.
Name tags must be put on. Use pins or tape. String around a neck is a potential hazard for active children.
Warm up activities -
Play Four Corners -
or choice of books/quiet games (Can also be for those who are out in Four Corners)
Once ready for Opening Do gather around in your meeting space – chairs/ table/ blanket
Complete a roll call and play a name game – such as my name is Name and I like _______and His/Her name is ***** and he/she likes------- The __________ is something that starts with the same letter as the first name and repeat the names of all those who have already gone starting with the person next to you and then progressing back to the first person. The leader should be the last person – thus remembering everyone’s names and likes.
The Director will lead the Opening
Welcome to all – and identify the camp First Aider/Nurse and all the leaders.
Our Theme this week is Superheroes in Training (for the Lord’s Army.)
Each day will have a theme – a verse from the Bible we will try to memorize.
Today’s verse is – Rom. 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Today has 2 themes - I’m a Superhero in Training & Sin needs a Savior
Some of you may never have heard the word sin before. I want you to spell it after me – S-I-N. Who can tell me the middle letter? --- I --- and that’s the root of it. I want this, I want that, I don’t care if you… Have any of you ever thought or said that? Sure, we all do. But, sometimes our I wants become I want it bad enough I’ll steal for it – who stole the cookie from the cookie jar… sometimes people will want it bad enough they will lie for it, or worse kill for it… big I’s or little I’s their root when we don’t care about loving and caring for others which are God’s ways – that’s when I gets in the way and is called SIN – or disobeying God.
The Bible verse says the wages of SIN is death – someone has to pay, someone has to die.
But the Bible has GOOD NEWS, too – someone has already done this. That person is Jesus. You’ll be learning more about Jesus in the Lesson time today and throughout the week.
Today there will be 4 blocks of time. There is a block on Lessons, Crafts, Music, and Games. You will need to stay with the group at all times. We will have a snack break and then we will meet back here for a closing time before you go home
Bathrooms are located – tell them where. Your groups will make time between sessions for a bathroom break. If you should need them at another time, ask your leader to arrange for you to get there and back safely.
Lessons Instructions for DAY 1
Theme – I’m a superhero in training & Sin needs a Savior
Bible Memory Verse - Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Create a welcoming and comfortable setting for the children in your group. Go around the group and ask them easy questions to learn what they already know about the creation and nativity stories. Tell them most of our lessons will be shared on youtube and there will be an opportunity for them to watch the stories again or share them with others at the website, but we will chat about them, sometimes you can choose which ones we will watch together and which ones you might watch later. Today’s stories are all on page 1 or page 4 of (VHC)
Adam – start at 14:22 – 24;
In your discussion after this – ask easy questions for them to answer about the video – ie what was the man’s name? The woman’s name? What did they do that displeased God? Have you ever done anything you know displeases God – What does the Bible call displeasing God?
Today we have a Bible memory verse that comes from the New Testament in the book of Romans. Tell them briefly about the Old and New Testament. The Bible is a very unique book. It was written over a 2000 year time span with many different writers. Some were kings, some prophets, some rich, some poor, some fishermen, some doctors, and a lawyer – yet amazingly it has a common theme. It is all about God having relationships with people He created and made each special. That includes wanting to hear and speak to you. He didn’t want to make people robots to do as He commanded, but gave them free choice. We all can choose whether we want to please God or not. Like Adam and Eve, all of us at some point choose to do something that displeases God – we sin. Today’s memory verse – Rom. 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. There is one person that was born who never knew sin.
How many of you have heard of Jesus before? What can you tell me about His birthday – Christmas? Start with what they know – draw out with questions things about the angels, shepherds, Bethlehem, Mary & Joseph, … If there are some who have never heard the story, you may want to show the Nativity story, but it is long. Ask them what they know about things that Jesus did for the poor and the sick? And miracles Jesus did? From their answers and looking at the time – decide which of the other stories to share. Talking with them is time well spent, too. If you have children’s Bible story books and are a good storyteller, reading about these stories is a good option, too. The videos are an easy option, too.
Nativity – talk about the Christmas story – if all know it, skip it. If not you may want to show it – 18 min.
Discuss briefly these stories and have the children and time help you decide which to watch or discuss.
Jesus Feeds the Poor – 10 min -
Young Jesus Teaches – 2.5 min
Jesus Walks on Water – 2 min -
Zaccheus – 2 min-
Discuss with the group – Jesus was a unique person who came to earth knowing that He would die a horrible death, but it would open the doors of eternal salvation for others. Sin needs a Savior, and Jesus is our Savior. Now we can be God’s children and superheroes if we follow love, pray and obey.
Start at Time Stamp 14:22
Music for DAY 1
Themes – I’m a superhero in training & Sin needs a Savior
Bible Memory Verse - Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Start with The B-I-B-L-E. It is a special book telling story after story of God’s superheroes that went to great ends to be a friend of God, someone God could count on to walk according to His ways, praying and seeking and listening to Him for guidance. Have them make their fingers shape the letters as they sing, so there is some hand motions, too.
The BIBLE – 1 min-
The next song – Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again tells the first lesson. It is about Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Teach them the motions to the chorus.
Dem Bones – roll their arms in a circular motion around each other.
Gonna Rise Again – arms go up and hands open upward.
I knowed it, I knowed it – arms sway back and forth like windshield wipers
Have them listen to the story being told during the verses.
Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again - 3 min-
Only a Boy Named David – 2:15 min-
This story will be part of tomorrow’s theme but we thought you’d enjoy the song of this young man that grew to become the King of Israel. His heart sought God and He loved to sing God’s praises. When he was young he tended sheep, not a very rewarding task, but God used him to tackle a bear and a lion to protect his flock. This training was put to use when his country was being taunted by someone who was 9 feet tall - Goliath the giant. David told the people he would take on fighting the giant to save his country. He used a slingshot.
Motions for Only a Boy Named David
Sling – swing hand in a circular motion
Pray and Sing – hands together in prayer that open upward
Ripling brook – hand flows outward with fingers rippling
Five stones – hold up five fingers
Sling went round and round – swing hand lasso like over head
Giant came tumbling down – arm falls down
First time – listen and follow you doing hand motions. If you can, have them repeat the words after you. Then Sing it 2 or 3 times so they can master the motions and get more of the words.
Jesus Loves Me is song is likely familiar to many, but not all. It states a vital truth – Jesus loves Me Motions – follow the youtube leaders.
Jesus Loves Me – 2:15 min
The Lord’s Army next one will be treat for any who like to play with lego toys or play with plastic soldiers. Today we will watch this twice, and another day we’ll learn some motions to it.
Lego Song – Lord’s Army 3 min -
Anyone in an army needs protective gear. This next song we will introduce the protective gear of the Lord’s Army Watch it first and then the second time we will act out putting on a belt, helmet and other gear.
Armor of God - 2 min -
day_1-_8_truth_verses.docx | |
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CRAFT Instructions for DAY 1
Theme – I’m a Superhero in Training, Sin needs a Savior
Bible Memory Verse - Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Snack – Apple slices, raisins, and pretzel sticks - and drink.
While materials are being passed out, to make the craft, start with the memory verse game – this can be led by a helper.
Bible Memory Game -
1) Post-it Cover Up Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
For this activity write the memory verse on the front board or a large sheet of paper in the front of the room. Practice reading it once together and then use post-it notes to cover up one of the words. Then, practice reading the verse again followed by covering up a second word with post-it notes. Continue this pattern until the entire verse is covered and the children are saying the verse from memory. This is an interesting spin on traditional drilling of a verse by repetition. You could also reverse the game beginning with some words covered and have children guess the missing words.
Belt of Truth -Each child should get
8 Truth verses on paper strips 1.25 x 8” – and a brown crayon. Have them color the strips brown around the verse.
A brown belt – brown construction paper – 2.5x 12” draw a buckle on it with marker, glue it to a equal size strip of manilla paper (cut from used file folders)
yarn – 2 strips 15” staple or tape to the ends of the back of the brown construction paper. This will tie in the back.
8 Truth verses – cut them almost apart, but leave the beginning ¼” connected and have the children separate them.
John 8:32 You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
Joshua 24:14 “Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth.
Psalm 15:1-3 O Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill?
He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, And speaks truth in his heart. He does not slander with his tongue, Nor does evil to his neighbor, Nor takes up a reproach against his friend
Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day.
Psalm 25:10 All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.
Mark 12:14 “Teacher (Jesus), we know that You are truthful and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any, but teach the way of God in truth.
John 4:23But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
1 Corinthians 13:4-6 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.
Collect finished armor in a bag/box so the full armor can be worn on the last day. As children finish their Belts of Truth give them a picture to color. This can go home today. Maybe send them home with an apple to see if it can last the week without having a bite taken from it. Encourage them to tell the story of the Apple in the garden of Eden at home.
Theme – I’m a Superhero in Training, Sin needs a Savior
Bible Memory Verse - Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Snack – Apple slices, raisins, and pretzel sticks - and drink.
While materials are being passed out, to make the craft, start with the memory verse game – this can be led by a helper.
Bible Memory Game -
1) Post-it Cover Up Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
For this activity write the memory verse on the front board or a large sheet of paper in the front of the room. Practice reading it once together and then use post-it notes to cover up one of the words. Then, practice reading the verse again followed by covering up a second word with post-it notes. Continue this pattern until the entire verse is covered and the children are saying the verse from memory. This is an interesting spin on traditional drilling of a verse by repetition. You could also reverse the game beginning with some words covered and have children guess the missing words.
Belt of Truth -Each child should get
8 Truth verses on paper strips 1.25 x 8” – and a brown crayon. Have them color the strips brown around the verse.
A brown belt – brown construction paper – 2.5x 12” draw a buckle on it with marker, glue it to a equal size strip of manilla paper (cut from used file folders)
yarn – 2 strips 15” staple or tape to the ends of the back of the brown construction paper. This will tie in the back.
8 Truth verses – cut them almost apart, but leave the beginning ¼” connected and have the children separate them.
John 8:32 You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
Joshua 24:14 “Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth.
Psalm 15:1-3 O Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill?
He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, And speaks truth in his heart. He does not slander with his tongue, Nor does evil to his neighbor, Nor takes up a reproach against his friend
Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day.
Psalm 25:10 All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.
Mark 12:14 “Teacher (Jesus), we know that You are truthful and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any, but teach the way of God in truth.
John 4:23But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
1 Corinthians 13:4-6 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.
Collect finished armor in a bag/box so the full armor can be worn on the last day. As children finish their Belts of Truth give them a picture to color. This can go home today. Maybe send them home with an apple to see if it can last the week without having a bite taken from it. Encourage them to tell the story of the Apple in the garden of Eden at home.
Recreation Instructions for DAY 1
Themes – I’m a superhero in training & Sin needs a Savior
Bible Memory Verse - Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
RECREATION ACTIVITIES – if weather permits, its nice to have the children get outside. Materials needed: 1) socks/mittens, 2 wrapped bubble gum for each child 2) rubberband, kleenix, mug, die, sharp pencil, nickel for each pair of kids 3) volleyball net or rope with streamers dangling down, beach balls (several, various sizes is fine) or balloons if indoors.
1. Hard to Chews – Day 1 Sin impedes our access to God. (Inside or outside)A summer-camp staple, this game rewards those who have kept their bubble gum chewing skills sharp. Set up: Place socks or mittens on each player's hands, then give each a piece of wrapped bubble gum. Play: At "Go," players race to unwrap the gum, chew it, and blow a bubble. (Optional :Play several elimination rounds to decide the ultimate victor. )
2. OR Walk on Water Peter walking on the water – doubts made him sink… (Inside or outside – needs a table.)The die adds an element of chance to this suspenseful game of strategy and skill.
Set up: Use a rubber band to secure a facial tissue tautly over the top of a mug. Place a quarter on the tissue.
Play: Taking turns, players roll a die and use a sharpened pencil to poke the designated number of holes through the tissue. If you break the ice and send the nickel into the mug, you're out. Replace the tissue and continue playing until one winner remains.
3. Bible Story frozen tag – Run about, if tagged kids take different prearranged Bible story poses – have the kids brainstorm poses for these settings –Adam & Eve apple picking, David’s slingshot, Esther receiving the sceptor, Jesus on the cross, helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit, Jonah’s whale. If tagged they must take a pose and hold it. To become unfrozen, others must touch them and identify the pose and put hands together in a prayer pose. God wants to unfreeze us with prayerful habits.
If there is extra time let them choose a game they like - kickball and dodge ball are favorites, though dodgeball is easier with fewer people.
Themes – I’m a superhero in training & Sin needs a Savior
Bible Memory Verse - Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
RECREATION ACTIVITIES – if weather permits, its nice to have the children get outside. Materials needed: 1) socks/mittens, 2 wrapped bubble gum for each child 2) rubberband, kleenix, mug, die, sharp pencil, nickel for each pair of kids 3) volleyball net or rope with streamers dangling down, beach balls (several, various sizes is fine) or balloons if indoors.
1. Hard to Chews – Day 1 Sin impedes our access to God. (Inside or outside)A summer-camp staple, this game rewards those who have kept their bubble gum chewing skills sharp. Set up: Place socks or mittens on each player's hands, then give each a piece of wrapped bubble gum. Play: At "Go," players race to unwrap the gum, chew it, and blow a bubble. (Optional :Play several elimination rounds to decide the ultimate victor. )
2. OR Walk on Water Peter walking on the water – doubts made him sink… (Inside or outside – needs a table.)The die adds an element of chance to this suspenseful game of strategy and skill.
Set up: Use a rubber band to secure a facial tissue tautly over the top of a mug. Place a quarter on the tissue.
Play: Taking turns, players roll a die and use a sharpened pencil to poke the designated number of holes through the tissue. If you break the ice and send the nickel into the mug, you're out. Replace the tissue and continue playing until one winner remains.
3. Bible Story frozen tag – Run about, if tagged kids take different prearranged Bible story poses – have the kids brainstorm poses for these settings –Adam & Eve apple picking, David’s slingshot, Esther receiving the sceptor, Jesus on the cross, helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit, Jonah’s whale. If tagged they must take a pose and hold it. To become unfrozen, others must touch them and identify the pose and put hands together in a prayer pose. God wants to unfreeze us with prayerful habits.
If there is extra time let them choose a game they like - kickball and dodge ball are favorites, though dodgeball is easier with fewer people.